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A Woman Writing by the Window


Dear Black Girl gives that support during our 4-week cohort/s, we help you Identify the problem/s, accept and take accountability for them, then we coach you to the place of Correcting AND Healing from them. We do this in a group setting, not to embarrass or make you feel ashamed but to help you understand that there are many other women dealing with the same if not greater Issues. We use the “Gifts” of our various experiences to Help one another!

Our Vision

Dear Black Girl will offer numerous resources that will help one becomes stable, all while mentoring and supporting them to their desired level of success!

Our Core Values



Our Promise

you'll leave DBG knowing...

How to create change, without judgment even if you don’t know where to start.

Our Focus

What we see

VS. What the world sees

Stages of Change
How to finish STRONG

Women's Fashion


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Storytelling Academy

People are naturally drawn to stories. They connect us with the world we live in, help us understand those we interact with, and hopefully, give us a better sense for what life is like for other people.



Not only do we appreciate hearing a good story, but it’s also in our nature to tell them—storytelling is one of the first forms of human communication.



Whether it was painted on a cave wall or spoken around the campfire, humans have connected with one another through stories for as long as we could communicate with one another.


A Woman Writing by the Window

Shaina Miller

DBG allowed me connect and bond with women whom I consider sisters forever! Because of Dear Black Girl this Queen will trust God, walk in purpose with my head held high, accomplish every goal that I set while being confident and with a smile. If you feel stuck, experienced trauma that you need to heal or healing from, not your best version of You, need a boost or motivation than You are Dear Black Girl too. Register for Dear Black Girl Cohert You Won’t Be Disappointed
-Shaina Miller
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